Rhythms of Grace – The truth about God’s love.

The Truth About God’s Love

John 3:16 NKJV  “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”

As men and woman in today’s society, we go through many different seasons of change. Whenever we experience big life changes, it can be easy to let our relationship with God fall farther down our list of priorities. I encourage you to dive into God’s word and be reminded of his love for you so that no matter what changes come, your faith in Christ will not be shaken. A person rooted in Christ is like a tree in a great storm. Though the tree may bend and sway, it will not break because its roots are firmly planted in the ground!

The enemy wants you to believe that you have to earn God’s love through good works, but the Bible tells us that the gift of God’s love and grace is free! God loves us so much that he sent his son to earth to die a horrific and gruesome death on our behalf. He made that sacrifice to create a way for us to spend eternity with him. Not only that, but he continues to show us mercy today, even though we still continue to sin against him every day. His love is unconditional! Even though we know this, I think it is important that we take time to remind ourselves of how amazing our God is for making such a huge sacrifice for us who could never possibly deserve a Love so precious.

Pray – Give thanks to God for all the love and mercy that he has shown us even though we do not deserve any of it. Ask him to keep reminding us  of his love throughout our days.


Ps Mandy

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