Rhythms of Grace – The Secret to Success

The Secret to Success 

Luke 16:10 NKJV “He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much.”

Jesus had a different view of success to today’s culture, it had nothing to do with our position in Life, our accomplishments or our possessions, but it had everything to do with our character.

Our real lives are made up of what we do with the little things and what we do with what we’ve already been given.

The small decisions and the hard decisions are what create us into people of trust and honesty.

If you’re asking God for more in life, make sure that you’re being faithful with the things He has already given you.

Use the resources and opportunities you have to build trust and honesty with other people.

God is looking to use people of character rather than people of success.

So pray for God to increase your character and to give you the opportunities to become a person who is faithful and honest in every area of life.


Ps Larry