Rhythms of Grace – The miracle of exchange

The Miracle of Exchange


Isaiah 53:11 “After He has suffered, He will see the light of life and be satisfied; by His knowledge My righteous servant will justify many, and he will bear their iniquities.”


As we continually recognize the power in the sacrifice Jesus made for us on the cross and receive the reality of what Jesus died and suffered for, then we partake of the cross of Calvary and the Miracle of the divine exchange, which was pre-established by God Himself.

All the evil within us fell upon Jesus so that all the GOOD IN HIM could become ours;


John 10:10 “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full”


As soon as God created man and breathed the breath of life into him, the enemy (known as the thief) made it his mission to steal our success and the Joy of serving the Lord. When he deceived mankind, both spiritual and physical death entered paradise and seemingly secured the destruction of all of Adam’s descendants. However, God the Father already had a rescue plan in place:


Jesus would come to the world to reverse the curse through His death and subsequent Resurection.

See; Hebrews 2:9-15)


Jesus hung on the cross for hours & with every breath His life was slowly ebbing away. Drop by drop, His blood fell to the ground. There He remained until He knew that He had completed the mission the Father had entrusted to Him.


Being able to picture this in our minds will be a great help to us when we need it most, because we will be able to see how the Lord has absorbed all our sin and removed every curse upon us, destroying them once and for all.

When we receive this revelation, the miracle of the great exchange takes place. All the evil was absorbed by the power of the cross of Jesus and all the blessings that belong to Jesus because of His perfect life will become ours as we BELIEVE He gave His life for ours.


Jesus said in; John 17:10 “All I have is yours, and all you have is mine”


We now have the Joy of living our whole life for HIM.



Ps Larry

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