Rhythms of Grace – Identity



Who does God say we are?

Perhaps you identify yourself in a particular way and think, ‘this is just who I am.’ Maybe people around you have spoken an identity over you: you’re feisty, shy, loud, or obnoxious. It’s easy to believe the lies that some people speak over us and become what they say we are. But what does GOD say about our identity, and how does God’s word better help us step into that?

Being in the nightlife world, people were constantly telling me who I was. And I believed them. I was the life of the party. I was the dude that was dancing on the tables. I was your ticket to a good time. I was the perfect guy to fill you with many things (that were fun, I can’t lie) but leave you empty and depressed. Finally, a day came, and I didn’t want to live like this anymore, but who was I? Who am I?

I am a child of God! And so are you!

1 John 3:1 “See what kind of love the Father has given us, that we should be called CHILDREN OF GOD, and so we are.”

Psalm 139:13 “For you formed my innermost parts; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” We are God’s creation, therefore making us his children.

Believing that you are anything other than a child of God can hold you back from the radical transformation God has in store for your life.

You are an alcoholic, a loser, a jerk, a loner, an introvert, an extrovert, etc. NONE of those identities are how God sees you.

Who you are and how society sees you is not how God sees you. Don’t accept the lies people have spoken over your you. Take a moment and thank God for being his child. He tells us that each of us is perfectly and wonderfully made! This is how we should see ourselves.

Prayer: Father I accept your love and choose to see my self accepted and loved by you. Holy Spirit reveal the Fathers love to me, so I can grow more and more into His likeness in Jesus name. Amen.


Ps Mandy

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