Rhythms of Grace – Fight


I Timothy 6:12 NKJV “Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.”

We all have things we are trusting the Lord for and often when we start out believing it’s exciting and we just can’t wait for the end because it’s rewarding.

However it’s when we are in the middle that is gets tough, the waiting period and we all find ourselves in the middle.

You know that God gave you a promise, but every circumstance says just the opposite and it’s easy to give up and think, “There are just too many obstacles, this is never going to happen.”

The key is that’s when you must Fight in Faith, all the Bible heroes have one thing in common, when . the promise seemed impossible, they kept moving forward.

Yes, we all have our moments, of fear or worry and even doubt, but stir yourself up and keep believing, that’s doing your part and trust God to take care of His part, He always does!


Ps Larry

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