Rhythms of Grace – Do Good

Do Good

Galatians 6:10 NIV “Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.”

Jesus said that others would know believers by our love as it’s displayed to others, especially when they don’t deserve it!

Notice not by how many Scriptures you know, or which Church you attend, but by your compassion and ability to help and be a blessing to those around you, now that’s a powerful sermon.

We are not called to be actors, but to take action, God wants to use you to make a difference wherever you are and this is the starting point to finding our purpose and enjoying our daily walk with JESUS.

This week look away from yourself and ask the Holy Spirit to direct you to been a blessing and making a difference, watch as God responds and empowers you and then goes beyond and takes care of you as well.

Prayer: Father, thank you for saving my life and giving me your Word and your Spirit, I choose to let you use me this week to make a difference and be a blessing, in Jesus name.


Ps Larry