Love from above

Galatians 5:14 NKJV “For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

It’s easy to dwell on what we think is negative about us, but it doesn’t help us do better.

There will always be some area we need to improve in.

The better you feel about yourself now, the better you’ll do.

The saying goes, you can’t give away what you don’t have and it’s a true thing.

So if you’re in turmoil inside, critical of yourself, feeling condemned, that’s what you have to give.

If you don’t get along with you, how can you get along with those around you?

The best thing you can do is start being for you and accepting the truth of God’s unconditional love for you. It all starts with you. You can make the difference.

It is your decision to make to start living out your salvation and running the race set before you. 🗣Use the tools inside you to be that much-more than you can ever imagine.

Don’t settle for worldly standards.

Love is the ultimate overcoming factor that empowers you to stand your grounds against the enemy because love is God’s heart.

The lies of the enemy tries to convince us that we are not worthy enough.

Anything that stands against love, stands against God and that equals evil.

If you ever feel you that you need to react with attitude, do it then against all that is evil. Stand your grounds which is upon a solid foundation called Jesus Christ. This is the way of the Christian life, this is how you win your battles and reach others for the Kingdom.

That same breath is speaking love over you, may that then be a reality in your life so that we can aim a little higher.

Love the unlovable and do good to the unkind.

We are the peacemakers and the carriers of God’s grace.

Therefore, go out into the world and make a difference for the cause of Jesus. Don’t be fooled by the images that the world portrait, God’s got so much more that what you can even contain.

Step out in faith , love God above all things, and receive all of God’s love for you today, overflowing love, to share on others, for in

1 Corinthians 2:9 NLT “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him. ”

Tonight we share in one of the greatest gifts ever given to mankind. The gift of communion. These elements symbolises the gift of everlasting life, the body and blood of Jesus Christ. The death of Jesus brought us into rightstanding with God our Father.

Let’s partake of the bread, thanking God and doing this in remembrance of Jesus.

In the same way we partake of the element that represents the washing clean of our sins, the blood of Jesus that did it all, once and for all. We receive this into our hearts and acknowledge Jesus over all, in all and through all.

Closing prayer

“Father, thank You for loving me so much that You’ve blotted out all my sins and released me from condemnation through the incredible price that Jesus paid on the cross. Help me to love myself as You love me and to love others in a way that honors You as well. We thank you for the forgiveness our sins, past, present and future. Help us Lord to live accordingly and to honour Your name in all we do. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”